Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Day Before

Well… the day is almost here. It's almost the start of Screnzy 2011! This is my first year doing it, so it should be interesting. I don't remember if I said this in a previous post, but my plan is to redo the Beastly movie that was recently adapted from the book, Beastly. I thought that it was terribly done. It did not match the book in any aspect besides the general story line. I mean, Kyle is supposed to be an ACTUAL beast for crying out loud!... I did like that Mary-Kate played Kendra, however, that was awesome; that was about the only thing that I liked though.

Anyway. Done with that rant.

I have set a goal for myself of 4 pages a day for the script ALONG with 1000 words a day from now on. No excuses. The only excuse I will allow myself is family crisis. I have way to much time on my hands the majority of the time therefore really do have plenty of time to write. Now if only I can get the creative juices flowing… ugh… Hopefully they get here soon.

I don't think I'm going to worry about the formatting of my script. I'm never going to sell it of course and worrying about it would just cause me to lose precious time. I REALLY want to win this. I've never won NaNo so this is my chance to actually win something.

In other news…

I think I may also review movies and books and such on here as well. Just for fun of course.

I'm currently reading The Riddle by Allison Croggon. It is the sequel to The Naming. I highly recommend The Naming. It is a great fantasy book and the way the introduction reads causes the reader to believe that this is all real. The author writes it in such a way that it is being read as though this was an ancient book found and translated. It has tons of action with all of the fantasy the fantasy reader wants.

No movies today I don't think… I already ranted about Beastly…

Well, signing off!


Saturday, March 26, 2011

All About… ME!

Well, I didn't introduce myself last time, so, I thought I would now!

My name is Megan and I just turned 20 in February. Not a teenager anymore! Yay! I am a huge book nerd and am getting back into reading more which I'm excited about. I also love animals and am currently waiting to find out if I got into the Vet Tech program my community college has. I was going to a college in Macomb, IL and majoring in Zoology, but I decided that the chances of me getting a job as a zookeeper probably wasn't very high… so… here I am! I have a dog named Daisy who is almost 16 years old, a cat named Bubbles who we just found out is about 6 (we've had her since she was about one or so, we just didn't realize it had been that long) and a hamster named Nutmeg. I would love to get a rabbit. They're so cute and cuddly!... Anyway.

I love writing, obviously, and wish I could actually finish stuff…

I have an AMAZING boyfriend whom I am insanely in love with. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me and I couldn't ask for anything else… except for him being closer… he lives 2 hours away currently.

My favorite colour is purple, though I also like blue, red, and black.

I love music! In high school I was in band and I miss it like crazy! Now, I'm in choir at the community college I go to along with my church choir. I'm also getting into drama and am going to be in the upcoming school play which I'm pretty excited about as well.

Well, I guess that's it. No real writing update… I have the beginnings of some stories, but nothing major.

So, that's all!


Sunday, March 20, 2011

A New Beginning

Ok, so. I started this blog forever ago for NaNo 2010… and then never wrote in it. Well, now I hope to change that.

I'm doing something called WriYe which is writing year (basically same thing as NaNo, you just set a goal for the entire year) and I want to write 250,000 words total in the year of 2011. Well, so far, I'm failing… basically. I wish I could stick with a project long enough to finish something… I really do. I don't know why I can.


I'm hoping that doing this blog will help… somewhat…

Unfortunately, blogging doesn't count to the word count… only creative type writing. Now, if I were doing a story as I write, it would count. Maybe I'll start a short story on this along with just… a blog… Not today though. I'd have to think of something and since my creativity is low lately for whatever reason.

I have some things started, so maybe I can finish something.


I'm going to start with listing my goals for the remainder of the year.

2011 Goals:

-Actually finish NaNoWriMo 2011

-Do script frenzy

-Write 250,000 words

-Finish more than one thing this year…

-Plan lots of stories!


Well, I think this is the end of my first blog entry! Hope all is well. Next time I'll introduce myself more and whatnot.

Signing off,
