Saturday, March 26, 2011

All About… ME!

Well, I didn't introduce myself last time, so, I thought I would now!

My name is Megan and I just turned 20 in February. Not a teenager anymore! Yay! I am a huge book nerd and am getting back into reading more which I'm excited about. I also love animals and am currently waiting to find out if I got into the Vet Tech program my community college has. I was going to a college in Macomb, IL and majoring in Zoology, but I decided that the chances of me getting a job as a zookeeper probably wasn't very high… so… here I am! I have a dog named Daisy who is almost 16 years old, a cat named Bubbles who we just found out is about 6 (we've had her since she was about one or so, we just didn't realize it had been that long) and a hamster named Nutmeg. I would love to get a rabbit. They're so cute and cuddly!... Anyway.

I love writing, obviously, and wish I could actually finish stuff…

I have an AMAZING boyfriend whom I am insanely in love with. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me and I couldn't ask for anything else… except for him being closer… he lives 2 hours away currently.

My favorite colour is purple, though I also like blue, red, and black.

I love music! In high school I was in band and I miss it like crazy! Now, I'm in choir at the community college I go to along with my church choir. I'm also getting into drama and am going to be in the upcoming school play which I'm pretty excited about as well.

Well, I guess that's it. No real writing update… I have the beginnings of some stories, but nothing major.

So, that's all!


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